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"Go ahead and shoot your way through, Jedao. There's no difficulty with Kel protocol or public opinion considerations." ― Kel Garit

High General Kel Garit is a Kel officer who appears in Ninefox Gambit and in the flashfic Hunting Trip.


Garit was an avid hunter, and was the only one who didn't find it funny that while he was much better at jeng-zai than High General Kel Anien, he couldn't win board games.

Upon learning that Shuos Jedao, then a major general,[1] had grown up hunting, Garit, eager to get a gray tiger, invited him on a trip to a hunting preserve. Since hunting gray tigers involved a "stupid expense per round" and a shoulder-hammering recoil, Jedao retaliated by persuading Garit to visit a zoo first. As Jedao practiced photographing the wildlife, Garit discovered the zoo's red panda, and offered to expedite customs duties for Jedao to take one home to his nieces if Jedao would help him kill a gray tiger. Jedao graciously declined.[2]

Over the years, Jedao played fox-and-hunters and numerous rounds of jeng-zai with Garit. Jedao also knew Garit's three children, one of whom he introduced to handguns and who was attending Kel Academy during the time of the Lanterner rebellion.

Garit responded when Jedao called Kel Command for orders after the Lanterners started using their children and hospital cases as human shields. Ignoring the moral issues with firing on children, Garit heartily assured Jedao that with Heptarch Shuos Khiaz handling the propaganda for the campaign there would be no problem with either Kel regulations or public opinion, and directed him and his swarm to shoot their way through. Jedao experienced a memory blackout of the rest of their conversation.

After the death of Jedao's revenant, Brevet General Kel Cheris experienced his memory of Garit's orders to fire on the Lanterners' children.[3]


  1. Ninefox Gambit, Chapter 21
  2. Hunting Trip
  3. Ninefox Gambit, Chapter 21