Machineries of Empire Wiki

Lieutenant Colonel Kel Riozu is a Kel soldier who serves in the Swanknot swarm. She appears in Raven Stratagem.


Riozu enjoys learning from talented people. She explains things more obliquely than she thinks she does, and is usually asked for clarification.[1]


Riozu had four parents who moved from Anxiao to Eng-Nang as part of an immigration wave during a civil uprising.[2] She is the head of Strategy on the cindermoth Hierarchy of Feasts.

During the first staff meeting with General Shuos Jedao, Riozu eyed Jedao intently, eager to learn from him. She summarized the defenses available to the Fortress of Spinshot Coins, including phantom terrain. When Jedao was attacked by an assassination drone, she leaped was one of the Kel who leaped from her chair to shield him.[3]

General Kel Khiruev found Riozu's smile "downright predatory" after Riozu's first solo meeting with Jedao.[4]

Riozu double-checked Khiruev's assessment of the positioning of the Sundered Spheres swarm and returned an annotated map confirming her conclusion that it was too far away to rescue the Cobweb System from the Hafn.[5]


  1. Raven Stratagem, Chapter 2
  2. Raven Stratagem, Chapter 13
  3. Raven Stratagem, Chapter 2
  4. Raven Stratagem, Chapter 5
  5. Raven Stratagem, Chapter 19