Machineries of Empire Wiki

"We are Kel. We will serve as Kel. We will fight as Kel, although we were not made for this kind of fighting." ― Sideways

Over and Sideways were two Kel servitors who represented the servitor population of the cindermoth Sincere Greeting. They appear in Ninefox Gambit.


"Over" and "Sideways" were names chosen for human convenience. When Brevet General Kel Cheris addressed the servitors of the null swarm, two servitors labeled with those names represented the Kel servitors on the Sincere Greeting.

After Cheris explained her request for servitors to aid the Kel by fighting in formation on the Fortress of Scattered Needles, making clear that the request was not an order, Sideways accepted the plan, stating that the servitors were Kel and, though not made for this kind of service, would serve and fight as such if it furthered the Kel mission. Sideways advised Cheris to plan wisely, and the meeting concluded.[1]


  1. Ninefox Gambit, Chapter 16